Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Home! Time for some reflection...

Well...I'm home. The schedule here at home is a little slower, but still a schedule. Karen has to help me with antibiotic infusions every 8 hours - 8 p.m., 4 a.m., and 12 noon. Yes, the 4 a.m. is fun...but we get through it. I seem to have my blood sugar under control and all is going well there. The home health care nurse is coming by today to change the wound vac dressing on my foot and that will be a Monday, Wednesday, Friday occurrence until the foot is well on its way to healing. I'm thinking of getting a buzz cut for easy hair maintenance, so if I do I'll post pics of the new me on the blog.

So, here's some reflection. Mary Beth and I have long talked about what it is that God wants us to do in our everyday lives. Our favorite line is "Whatever God puts in our way!" I've always spent my time everyday looking for all those things that God puts in our way. In this case, I missed the most important thing God put in my way...caring for my own health. My health is the key thing that allows me to do all the other things I do...and I ignored it. I was among all those stubborn individuals who say, "I can take care of this myself!" Here's the truth! I can't! It was a stubborn, selfish thing to do and it almost cost me my life and terrified my family and friends. It was a hard lesson to learn, but one well learned. From someone who didn't have any doctors, I now have many...and really like all of them.

I want to thank everyone for your prayers during this time. The list is simply too long to thank everyone, but I am blessed to have the support of a wide ranging community of faith. When I think of the number of people who care I am overwhelmed and grateful to God.

Healing will be a much slower process than I want it to be, so continue to pray for patience. I'm getting around on a walker...yeah, yeah, just like my Mom. No more making fun of those Slowly but surely I'm getting more strength each day. I'd be glad for some company but be sure and calbefore comingl since we have ongoing doctors appointments.

More to come as time and inspriation strikes me!


  1. So thankful that you are much better and continue to have you and Karen in my prayers. The doctors too. We will see you sometime soon.
    Kay and Don

  2. Tim and family. Please know that you are all in my daily prayers. Healing might be slow, but that's OK. Like my 6 year old niece would say, "Aunt Alma, soak up the family time!" Soak it up, Tim! Get well soon. Alma

  3. I am so happy you are home!! Hang in there! I love you! Sis

  4. Tim, glad to hear the encouraging update. We have prayed for you often. Grateful you are surrounding by lots of expert and loving care. As for the buzz cut, it's the only way to go. Take it from one who's had a low-maintenance head for about 20 years now! David & Melanie

  5. So good to hear that you're home, Tim, and are doing so well (all things considered). Guess I'd better learn a lesson from you and go get that colonoscopy that my family's been after me to get for the past couple of years!

    Joanna and I will continue to pray as you (and Karen) recover.
