Sunday, May 22, 2011

The death of our family cat

Murphy was just a little black kitten when I rescued him from a church parking lot in Fort Worth where boys were shooting BB guns at him. I picked him up and brought him home that night and he had been with us for the next 17 years. He moved with us to Dallas and then moved with us back to Fort Worth. He's seen several dogs come and go and was there when Gus joined the Gilbert household in 1996. He and Gus were pals and would often lay next to each other. The latest addition of Charlie and Lucy added to his list of pets to endure. They would try to play but Murphy had no use for these two dogs.

He usually slept on my head and would spend most of his days sleeping on the back of the sofa. He would meow loudly in the morning until he was fed. In the last few weeks, he had lost weight and would just sleep all day and night in odd places. We said goodbye to him last week when he died during the night. Charlie was so sweet with him in those last few days. He became his guardian - laying near him, following him around and watching over him. The other animals knew something was wrong with Murphy and sensed that he was sick. It was so touching to see them care for each other.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear this. What a sweet story though of the care Murphy received from the other pets of the household.

    Love you,
