Friday, April 8, 2011

Bed Time

I had been sitting in the recliner with the cat in my lap watching TV and got up to get ready for bed. This was the picture I saw on my pillows. Lucy and Charlie had been sleeping on the pillows and looked up just as I took their picture. They were trying to tell me they were ready for bed. What a pair!

They had a busy day playing outside and chasing squirrels along the fence and in the trees in our neighbors' yards. When Lucy sees a squirrel she sounds like she's dying. Her bark is shrill, both ears are flying back and her whole backside wags furiously. She sits in the sun and waits for the squirrels. She also sits like she is the princess of the backyard surveying her kingdom. Charlie sits with her sometimes when he's not off chasing butterflies or bugs. They do enjoy their backyard. They have worn paths around the fence and through the yard where they travel.

Tonight, they are tired and ready for bed. So, it's time for all of us to get ready for bed. Goodnight!

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