I picked up Mary Beth up at the airport and we went to Tim's office to surprise him and that we did. He really had no idea! I'm not sure I've ever pulled off a surprise this good! I usually can't keep a secret. Mary Beth knocked on his office door and he looked up and then he looked up again when he really recognized it was Mary Beth. He jumped up and wrapped his arms around her in the biggest bear hug! Happy Birthday, Tim! What a gift!
The game followed an afternoon trip to Target! What would time with Mary Beth be without a trip to Target!
Mary Beth and I got in a little pool time with Carolyn on Saturday morning. I introduced Mary Beth to the McDonald's mango and pineapple smoothie. Yummm - it's really good! On Saturday afternoon, we went to visit Blythe, Jimmy, Cole and Natalie in Lewisville. We had fun just catching up! Natalie and Cole are so cute and growing up so fast.
The weekend was too short but it was so good to spend time with Mary Beth! She seemed to enjoy being in Fort Worth for a few days. On Sunday, she did manage a quick trip to Dallas to visit her friend, Mary Lu, get some TC's and eat at Jakes!
You bring joy into our lives always! We love you! Come visit anytime. Maybe next time, Caleb can come with you!
You bring joy into our lives always! We love you! Come visit anytime. Maybe next time, Caleb can come with you!