These are pictures of Tim's foot a year ago (on the left) and a week ago (on the right). His foot has been declared healed by both his surgeon and his infectious disease doctor and the wound care clinic.
Mary Beth has named this a "Resurrection Story" and it is just that. It was a year ago that our friend, Carolyn, took Tim to the hospital becau
I took the early morning flight and got to DFW late morning and to the hospital by noon. My prayer all morning was that he would still be alive when I got there. I had a layover in Atlanta and that wait seemed forever. I found Tim in ICU hooked up to all sorts of machines and fighting for his life. After seeing him, I knew I had to work to get the girls to Fort Worth. One of the doctors said to me when asked about this, "if this were my dad, I would want to be here." We (I'm not so sure I did anything but say y'all need to get here) worked to get Katie and Mary Beth here. That was another miracle! Thanks for friends and my brother, Johnny, who helped with no questions asked.
Katie and Matt arrived around 10pm and Mary Beth and Caleb came in around midnight. Friends picked them up and brought them to the hospital. It was such a comfort to have them there and we stayed at the hospital into the early morning hours. The husbands, our new son-in-laws accompanied them and boy was I glad to see all of them.
Tim was in ICU for 3 days battling for his life. Those days were very scary for all of us and many prayers were lifted for us all over the world. The waiting room quickly became filled with family, friends, co-workers and people who wanted us to know of their love and prayers. He stablized and remained in the hospital another 10 days while doctors worked to decide what was really going on and what was needed for the future. The conversation vivid to this day was with his surgeon at the suggestion to amputate the foot and leg below the knee because the infection in the foot was so bad he didn't see any other solution. It was Dr. Sotman, the infectious disease doctor, who held the opinion all along that the foot would heal but would be a long process. I also remember the first time the wound care nurse came to the room to debreed the foot. She said to both of us, "this is going to take a very, long time". In my mind, I was thinking 3 months or so wouldn't be too bad, we could do that. Oh, my - here we are a year later with the foot healed. Thanks be to God!
What a year - home health care, wound care, multiple doctors' visits, picc line care at the infusion clinic, no weight bearing to bearing weight, straight walker to walker on wheels to cane to walking without assistance, off work to returning to new work, new shoes with orthodic support - all in the course of a year's worth of healing. Well, here it is, 12 months and now I do know it takes a long time, lots of prayers, lots of help, lots of tenacity, and lots of hard work but we've done it! Thanks for all the prayers, all the help with meals, transportation and encouragement.
Tim has done an amazing job of getting his diabetes under control and keeping his levels consistent so that the healing could take place. Way to go, Tim! His doctors are amazed with what they have witnessed in this year. His surgeon and his infectious disease doctor were not convinced that Tim's foot would heal and that he would be walking with a foot and all 5 toes! What a miracle and a resurrection story! God is good and the people of God are wonderful!